The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a politically neutral church. In fact, in the US there are currently 16 members of Congress who are Mormons, representing both major political parties.
I am not politically neutral. I am a red-blooded conservative living in the red state of Texas. And I wholeheartedly support Mitt Romney's candidacy.
I loved his recent "faith" speech, considering it the most Reagan-esque speech that I've heard since, well, Reagan himself. He was direct and confident, and yet humble. It was high time that someone boldly addressed our country's heritage of faith, and the sacrifice to secure a land of religious freedom -- and the folly of subsequent religious persecution.
The next presidential election has historical potential. We might elect our first black president, our first female president, or our first Mormon president. Because I am a woman with an adopted daughter who is black, many will assume that I will rally behind a Clinton or Obama candidacy. But I won't. I disagree with their politics. I also want a ground-breaking president to pioneer the path for others by representing their demographic well. The first woman president should be a good president -- not just a female president. I would not want Senator Clinton to be the poster child for women with executive power in our country. Same with Obama as the poster child for minorities with executive power. There are other women and minorities who would play this role much better, but they don't have their hat in the ring.
So what about the first Mormon president? Based on his resume and his character and his political record, I think he would do an outstanding job. His positions on key issues are in sync with mine. So I am supporting him.
I am also noticing the reactions to Romney's candidacy, which bring the Mormon faith into the arena of discussion. I am noticing that criticism of Mormonism is woefully misinformed. So whether he wins the presidency or not, I hope that Romney's candidacy will provide opportunities to set the record straight about Mormonism.
This blog is my attempt--and admittedly, a meager attempt among many loud voices of distortion -- to provide good information, so that the reader may make their own informed choices. I will do my best to preserve the content and context of scriptures and Church authority statements, but this blog is entirely my responsibility. No official Church endorsement is implied.